Use enhanced capture method (faster, Windows 8 or above): If this option is checked, the recording performance of screen capture will be improved in Windows 8 or above.
Show countdown timer before recording begins: If this option is checked, the recording will be started in 3 seconds (3, 2, 1.) in Screen Recording Mode.
Play sound effects when started or stopped: This option allows the user to hear sound effects when started or stopped.
Recording priority: - Higher priority may reduce dropped frames.
- You can add the text watermark to the video.
- You can add the image logo to the video.
- You can record the mouse cursor with the mouse click/highlight effects.
- You can add the webcam stream to the video (PiP).
- You can record your computer sound and microphone.
Recording settings - Sound, Webcam, Mouse, Logo, Text
Format Settings: The 'Settings' button under the 'Format' option allows the setting of the format of the video that will be recorded.
(Such as those of YouTube and Smartphone, and for editing.)
Presets: The 'Presets' button under the 'Format' option can select a video format.
Record Settings: The 'Settings' button under the 'Record' option helps make a choice regarding whether to record the sound and whether to add a logo/webcam.
Add webcam overlay: If this option is checked, the webcam stream is recorded and merged within the main video.
Add mouse click effects: If this option is checked, the recorded video will have the mouse click effects/animation.
Show mouse cursor: If this option is checked, the mouse cursor will be shown in the video capture.
Pause Hotkey: The hotkey for the 'Pause' function can be set.
Record/Stop Hotkey: The hotkey for the 'Record/Stop' functions can be set.
This ' Video' tab allows the user to set Sound, Logo and Video/Audio codec.